Manuals Library

Efficient, Friendly manuals that streamline your operations 

Operations SOPs available to you, anywhere, anytime

TreeAMS Manuals Library Feature helps you create, distribute, store, and update the processes critical to successful operational success. It is your go-to resource centre for all your departmental Manuals and SOPs. As TreeAMS is cloud-based, it can be remotely accessed by team members with the right permissions anytime.

This means everyone who needs to know can be assigned up-to-date and purpose fit SOPs to help everyone execute their work and deliver on their responsibilities without confusion.


TreeAMS Manuals Library Feature helps you organise the key processes of your business in one central platform and enables you to create, assign relevant and most updated manuals according to the roles and responsibilities of every team member in real time.

No more guessing if your team members have seen and comprehended your latest updates. with TreeAMS Manuals Library, you can track acknowledgement of  updated manuals and also assign quizzes to ensure knowledge transfer has taken place.

Execute the right SOP, reducing non-compliance

SOPs form the baseline for best practices and compliance within a company.

Keeping it updated with the latest relevant regulations and process management updates are important parts of maintaining standards and regulatory compliance.

With TreeAMS, Manuals can be quickly updated to incorporate any guideline changes. Everyone can be automatically alerted to such changes across the system. This ensures that everybody executes the right SOP, reducing the risk of non-compliance.

Adherence to SOP ensures the standard & consistency that is expected by your customers. Maintaining standards according to your SOP goes a long way in maintaining your franchise’s overall Brand equity.

Manual Library Functions

The most friendly and effective Manual Library
 Management System to keep everyone in the know.

Document Version control

Provide your team with a digitalised guided approach to documenting the operational processes of your business processes including, template creation, team collaboration, editing, alert notifications, version controls and retiring outdated manuals.

Sharing and permissions

Unless you are the only one working on a project or business, it is important that everyone on the team has the correct access to work on, or view the manuals relevant to execute their work.  

Configuring SOPs customised for different users

SOPs within a company may differ and cover different areas depending on their function and purpose. TreeAMS Manuals Library Management Feature simplifies the configuring of Manuals by allowing different modules to be collated into sections, and sections combined into Unique Purpose Fit SOPs. This means that every department can receive SOPs that are specifically catered to them, containing only the information relevant to them.

Reports on usage

Being able to track usage helps reduce the risk of valuable Intellectual property falling into the wrong hands and serves as documentation to monitor usage by the intended user. You will also be  able to track the frequency of usage of the Manuals by different outlets, departments and individuals.

Quizzes to confirm learning

Manuals and SOPs need to be read and understood. t every department can receive SOPs that are specifically catered to them, containing only the information relevant to them.

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Find out how TreeAMS Manuals Library can help you scale your growing business.