At TreeAMS, your data security is our top priority. To this end, we have a series of security measures built in to the platform.
All client sites are protected behind industry standard reverse proxy servers and firewalls with built-in Geo-IP protection.
Login access to client sites is also protected by various security measures available, including 2FA (two factor authentication), password policy enforcement and failed password lockout. All passwords are stored in the database encrypted.
TreeAMS implements full Audit logs through a versioning feature where prior changes/versions of a document are stored. This enables an easy way to track and check data access.
Data backup is performed automatically every hour and stored securely for disaster recovery. Users can download their database and file backups from within the application if nesessary.
All client sites are maintained on TreeAMS platform servers hosted on Digital Ocean and utilise technologies including MySQL, NGINX, Fail2Ban, Maxmind GeoIP, Letsencrypt, IPTables.