Help Guide 5 Help Portal 5 How to Create a Checklist Template

How to Create a Checklist Template

Created On December 22, 2021

Last Updated on December 22, 2021

By Hsien

The checklist template allow you to create a template for your repetitive workflow. This template can be reassigned to different users within the company.

Create Category

The Checklist Category helps you to organise the checklist templates together.

To create a Checklist Category, click Process Management > Checklist Template > click Manage > Category, insert your Category Name, and click Save.
Leave the Parent Category empty if there is no more level above the created category.

Create New Checklist Template

To create a new checklist template, go to Process Management > Checklist Templates. On the Checklist Template page, click the + Create Template Button, fill in the details, and click Save.

After creating a Checklist Template, you may directly create or manage tasks by clicking “Yes“.

Create Tasks Inside the Checklist Template

To create or manage tasks inside the Checklist Template, click the Gear Button on the Action column.

Click + Add New Task Button and fill in the checklist.
After you have completed the checklist, click Save and you can start detailing each Task by clicking on the individual Task.

Within the Task, there are widgets to help you to specify the tasks required. To add the widget, you can drag and drop the widget into the box.

Note that you can put more than one widget(s), but each task require a minimum of one (1) widget to be executed.

Click Save Changes Button on the top of the page after you are done detailing the task.

Now you have finished creating the whole checklist, you might want to use some features to help getting this checklist done efficiently.

Add Stop – if you use this feature on the first task, the second task cannot be started unless the first task has been completed.

Due Date – this feature allows you to set a deadline for the task.

Notification Action – You can adjust the notification recipient and preferred notification conditions. Conditions such as:
1. Before N day
2. After the task is completed, or
3. If the task is overdue